Why Students Fight So Hard For Colonialism

sam L
4 min readMay 4, 2024


That’s right, colonialism. Ridiculous you say. They are ant-imperialist, they are for indigenous rights you say. They stand up for he Palestinians who are having their land stolen. And that would be factually incorrect. Palestinian Arabs by and large are descendants of Arab armies that conquired Israel in 670AD, Crusaders, Malamuks, Ottoman’s but first and foremost, Egyptian, Syrian and Lebanese immigrants who came to Israel in 20th century to help build roads and railroads. Jews are in fact the first case since Spain of people coming to Arab lands and de-colonizing the lands not just from the British, but the Arabs themselves.

So if this is true, which you may not agree with me but let’s say you do, then are the students just misinformed and confused? Maybe, but deep down inside, they know. They know of the biblical stories, they know of Jews after Holocaust going back, they know about Arab conquests. They also know, regardless of whether they are European-American, Black, Latino or Asian, they know that they are in America on Native American land. This goes for Latino too because just because they are dark in complexion, most of them are still on the unceeded sovereign land of Native American tribes. They know this and they really don’t want to leave. Israel is an example that an indigenous people can come back and take their land. So it makes all the sense in the world for wealthy elite kids, especially wealthy elitte kids at wealthy elite schools to demand that what Israel does never succeeds. This aalso goes for the Arab students who are also occupying Native Land if they are in America, they also profit from being in America. It makes sense for them to pretend to be on the side of justice but in reality, what all of them are doing, are making a case for imperialism and colonialism. The case is that once people arrived and take over, they are now the de-facto “natives” and any attempt to carve out land where they live is “ethnic cleansing” and any action othey do to stay on their land is resistance and just and any response to their actions, no matter how violent whether it be theft of land, children, culture, murder, etc ec, that would be genocide. Because the real goal is to make a clear case and message: we conquired this land, and we are going nowhere, and you Israel are a terrible example to all the people whose land we live on.

I realized this when thinking about the hostages and how the students were so gleefully tearing down the hostage posters and when asked about hostages refuse to even consider the possibility of Hamas giving them or that holding them is even wrong, even though Hamas giving up the hostages is exactly what would end the war that they seem so angry about. That’s because they do not fear being taken hostage, but they are the ones who have been taking hostages. They are descendandants of the ones who were taking Native American children and putting them into boarding schools where they or their culture died by the thousands. In fact today they are the ones who ignore the fact that Native Children and women are still abducteed and killed in record numbers. Because on an internal subconscious level, that is good, the fewer Native Americans the less chance that they will ask for their land back, the less guilt they have to deal with. Just like a dead Jew is a sympathetic Jew because they dead Jew can’t demand justice and change, in same way a dead Native American can’t demand justice or land.

This is why they do not stand up or protest for Ukraine against Russia, where an actual genocide took place. This is why they argue to get out of Ukraine as Russia is another imperialist country that was kicked out of Ukraine which after a thousand years finally got its own state. This is why they do not protest South Sudan where Arab forces funded by Iran and Russia are massacring and starving untold amount of indigneous black people so they can take their land. This is why they do not protest Haiti which is starving as a result of not only American policies, but direct American intervention when Americans murdered their president.

These are clear cases where they would be on side of the killers and genocide. And that’s why all those students are pretending to be Gazans, why they wear the Kufieah, which is just cultural appropriation of the Arab cultural appropriation of the Jewish Sudra. They are pretending to be native people to America and they are making a case that they are the true Americans and any and all other claims to this land is “colonial” attack on their rights as conquerors and settlers, regardless of when they or their parents arrived.



sam L
sam L

Written by sam L

Just a guy telling a story.

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